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To Recite the Kalma in a Loud Tone Ahead of the Funeral Procession


To Recite the Kalma in a Loud Tone Ahead of the Funeral Procession

  1. There is a custom in some countries that before proceeding to the graveyard when all arrangements of funeral are completed, the people attending the funeral procession recite the Kalima Tayyiba or some well-known Naat (in praise of the Holy Prophet sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) ahead of the procession.
  2. To recite the Kalima Tayyiba, Naat, Duroods and other Tasbihs ahead of the funeral procession in chorus form in a reasonably loud manner is indeed praiseworthy, not only for the deceased but also for those attending the funeral or taking part in the loud recitation. The Holy Quran bears testimony to this. It is said in the Holy Quran: "Those who remember Allah (at all times) while standing or sitting or lying on their sides." (Surah Al Imran: 19) It means that men of Faith remember Almighty Allah at all times when they are busy in their normal routines or are at rest.
  3. It is said in the Holy Quran: "Lo! the hearts receive the consolation and solace with the Remembrance of Allah." (Surah Al Raad: 28) In the Tafseer of this verse it is said that the Muslims receive the affection and mutual sympathy from the Holy Quran and are pleased to listen to its recitation because the remembrance of Allah through his Holy Names helps them through all their problems. (Ruhul Bayan)
  4. All the Muslim participants in the funeral feel happy that they are doing service for the betterment of the deceased in his journey to the next Eternal World of the Hereafter and to make the journey blissful they are busy in the remembrance of Almighty Allah.
  5. Hazrat Anas (radi Allahu anhu) said that in the funeral of a Muslim the majority of participants engage themselve in the recitation of "La Ilaha Illal Lah".
  6. In the "Mishkaat", Kitabud Da’waat, Bab Zikralah, it is said: "Some of the Angels of Allah move about in the path way (of the funeral) in search of those who are busy in the remembrance of Allah and when they find some people engaged in this holy deed they call out to one another and invite them to accomplish their mission and they cover the (righteous) Muslims under their (heavenly) wings."
  7. The mention of Zikr in this Hadith is without any qualification or restriction, in a low tone or otherwise, as also the nature of the Zikr, the recitation of Quranic verses, the Kalima, the Tasbih or in the Praise of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) - all these are among the modes of Zikr. 8. The Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said that whenever you pass by the Paradise (on earth) do take something from the Garden. When the Companions asked which is that Paradise, he said the group or congregation where Mu’mins are engaged in the remembrance of Allah. (Miskhaat)
  8. This shows that if the funeral procession is accompanied by the people engagd in the remembrance of Allah, the Mayyit will proceed through the pathways of the Paradise up to the graveyard and then to the place of burial.
  9. It is said that Shaitaan clings to the heart of the man, but when man remembers Almighty Allah and engages himself in Zikr, he leaves the heart and departs. (Miskhaat) This proves that on account of the Zikr of Allah the deceased remains safe from the mischief and wrongdoing of the Shaitaan.
  10. Imam Abdul Ghani Nabilisi (radi Allahu anhu) said that some Ulama and Mashaa’ikh have declared it permissible to chant and recite the Kalima and Zikr in a loud tone ahead and at the back of the funeral procession so that the deceased and those in the funeral may receive the spiritual benefits from it and hardness and negligence of the worldly minded may be removed by the warmth of the recitations, etc.(Hadiqah Mazyah Sharh Tariqah Muhammadiyah)
  11. Qutbe Rabbani, Imam Sherani (radi Allahu anhu) said: Hazrat Ali Alkhaus said that when he found that the people attending funeral did not stop the indecorous gossipping and were constantly engaged in worldly matters, he thought it advisable that these people should be asked to recite the Kalima while in the procession because this recitation is better than not reciting the Kalima (and indulgence in fruitless gossiping) on that occasion. (Lawaqiul Anwarul Qudsiyah Fi Bayanil Ohhudul Muhammadiyah)
  12. The Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has allowed the Muslims to recite the Kalima as and when they like. It is indeed surprising that people of blind hearts should object and denounce this pious practice, which is in no way harmful to the individual concerned and the Ummah at large.
  13. Imam Sherani (radi Allahu anhu) says: "We would not provide an opportunity to any one of our Muslim fraternity that he should deny any such thing which the Muslims have adopted taking it to be an act of righteousness and useful, especially that which relates and concerns the Divine Providence and the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam); for example, the recitation of the Kalima or the Holy Quran ahead of the funeral procession, etc. Anyone who declares this as Haraam is of those who do not understand the Shari’ah". (Uhoodul Mashaa’ikh)
  14. The Kalima "La Ilaha Illal Lah Muhammadur Rasoolullah" is best of all the virtuous deeds, then why and how can this at all be prohibited (as something objectionable?) Today, in most funerals Muslims engage themselves in worldly matters. They are also thoughtless and unconcerned about what has happened. Not only this but we have also seen (and heard) laughing while attending the funeral procession! Therefore, it is not objectionable to us that all the persons join together to recite the Kalima Tayyibah in a loud tone while going along the Mayyit of the deceased.
  15. It is said in "Durre Mukhtar": "To complete all the arrangements before the burial such as for announcing the death for the information of the local people, recite Marsiya (mournful songs, etc) in prose or poetry or anything else. All this is permissible."
  16. In "Shaami": "It is permissible that the announcement of the demise may be made so that people may make necessary preparations to participate in the Janaza and the burial, some have declared it as Makrooh that this announcement be made in streets and bylanes. The fact is that such an announcement is not Makrooh provided that too much praise may not be made in favour of the deceased in this respect."
  17. When it is permissible that the name and the personal qualities of the deceased may be mentioned in Marsiya (mournful song, etc) then why should the recitation of Naat by way of announcement and information regarding the Mayyit be taken as Bid’ah and Haraam? The recitation of the Kalima, Quranic verses, Naat Shareef contain ample blessings besides being a formal announcement of the Mayyit. Reasonable praise and not exaggerated praise of the deceased is permissible.
  18. To sum up, making useless noise is prohibited while doing the Zikr in proper manner is permissible, especially when such a Zikr is done by the common men who if they are left alone would indulge in fruitess gossips and other playful activities.